You Should Not Brush for 30 Minutes After You Eat – Why Is That? | Issaquah Dentist

You know how important it is to brush your teeth regularly to prevent cavities and decay. However, did you know that brushing too soon after you eat could actually do more harm to your teeth than good? It is true, and that is why we recommend that you wait at least 30 minutes after eating before you brush.

Don’t Brush Right Away

To explain why you shouldn’t brush right away, it is important to understand what is going on in your mouth right after you eat. The foods that you consume create acids that will work away at the enamel, and right after you are eating, those levels are at their highest. This means that your teeth are in a weakened state, as they are being attacked by acid.

The good news is that your body will naturally neutralize acid levels in your mouth. The saliva rinses food particles away, and after about a half an hour, the pH value should be back to normal. The bad news is that if you brush during this weakened time, you’ll actually help the acids to attack the teeth, scrubbing the destructive acid right into the enamel.

What Should You Do?

It is good that you are concerned about your teeth and the impact food might have on them. If you want to do something right after you eat, rinse your mouth out with water. This will help to speed up the neutralizing process. Then, don’t forget to brush later, at least two times a day. As long as you wait at least 30 minutes after you eat, your teeth should be strong again and out of the danger zone.

Do you have questions about how to better care for your teeth? If so, please call our office and speak to one of our friendly staff members about an appointment.

For more information about brushing, call Dr. Sciabica in Issaquah, WA at 425-392-3900 or visit

Dr. Frank S. Sciabica proudly serves patients from Issaquah and all surrounding areas.