Can You Eat Regular Foods Following Getting Sealants? | Issaquah Dentist

Dental sealants help to protect your teeth from cavities. They do this by creating a barrier between the enamel and plaque, which is full of bacteria.

The molars have small grooves within the surface that can trap plaque and food particle, and since your toothbrush can’t remove them completely, they can get stuck there for a long time. Dental sealants can help, and after a relatively simple procedure, you’ll be able to start eating and drinking right away.

What to expect after dental sealants

After we’ve finished sealing your teeth, you can eat, drink, play, or work. There won’t be any restrictions. It may feel strange to bite into something at first due to the new sealant, but this sensation should go away in a few days. Soon, you won’t even know that you have the sealant. Regular dental appointments are still essential after your teeth are sealed.

Some patients believe that once they have sealants that their teeth are virtually immune to decay and other issues. That simply isn’t the case. You still need to brush and floss regularly, and regular appointments in our office allow us to check how your sealant is doing. Sealants don’t last forever, but they can effectively seal teeth for 10 years, and they can be replaced easily if they are damaged or chipped.

Foods to avoid

While they aren’t specific to dental sealants, there are some foods that you should avoid in order to maintain good oral health. These are foods that are especially sticky, hard, and chewy, including caramel, taffy, jawbreakers, hard candy, chewing gum, and gummy bears.

Are you interested in dental sealants for either yourself or your child? If so, contact our office today to learn more about your options. We will discuss the pros and cons of dental sealants to help you decide if they are right for you.

For more information about dental sealants, call Dr. Sciabica in Issaquah, WA at 425-392-3900 or visit

Dr. Frank S. Sciabica proudly serves patients from Issaquah and all surrounding areas.

Is It Important to Replace Your Toothbrush Regularly? | Issaquah Dentist

Once you buy a toothbrush you haven’t made a lifelong investment. According to the American Dental Association (ADA) you need to replace your toothbrush once every three months. If its bristles become frayed, you will need to replace your toothbrush even sooner.

Why You Need to Replace Your Toothbrush

Unfortunately, the bristles on your toothbrush don’t kill the bacteria that’s in your mouth or keep you from getting sick. In fact, things like the flu virus, strep virus, yeast fungus, staph bacteria, and E. coli can live on your toothbrush and make you sick (which is why you should change your toothbrush after you’re done being sick with any of these things).

What Happens if You Don’t Change Your Toothbrush

When you don’t change your toothbrush frequently enough, you could actually get sick from using your toothbrush. Fortunately, this is unlikely to happen, but it’s still a disgusting possibility – one that should encourage you to replace your toothbrush as often as recommended.

In fact, researchers have found that even though bacteria do hang out on your toothbrush, it’s highly unlikely that you’ll be re-infected with the same illness a second time. Instead, it’s more likely that you’ll develop another type of virus from it.

How to Choose a New Toothbrush

Once you’re ready to choose a new toothbrush, you’ll want to make sure you choose one that will fit your needs – not just any toothbrush will do because they’re not all made the same. You want a toothbrush head that’s a half-inch wide and one-inch tall, so you can reach all the areas of your mouth.

Make sure it has soft bristles so it’s both comfortable and safe to use. It’s also a good idea to make sure that it’s recommended by the ADA. You can learn more about your toothbrush by giving our office a call today.

For more information about toothbrushes, call Dr. Sciabica in Issaquah, WA at 425-392-3900 or visit

Dr. Frank S. Sciabica proudly serves patients from Issaquah and all surrounding areas.

How to Respond to a Broken Dental Crown | Issaquah Dentist

Most of the time, dental crowns that are placed in your mouth stay there. They don’t slip, they don’t fall out, and they don’t break. Usually. Just because a crown doesn’t break usually doesn’t mean that it can’t.

If you think you may have a broken crown, what do you do? Do you just leave it alone, or do you get it checked out? We have the answer.

About Broken Crowns

Crowns can break due to trauma to your mouth. We had a patient one time who had never had so much as a cracked tooth- until she ran into a pole at school. Crowns can also break during car accidents or plane crashes. You can break a crown surfing, jumping out of a plane, or even biting down on something really hard, such as ice.

Also, you should know that older crowns are more apt to break. That’s because older crowns weren’t made as well as newer crowns, which are much harder to break. In addition, if you haven’t been taking good care of your teeth, cavities can form underneath your crown, and make the rest of your tooth, and your crown unstable. If that happens, the crown has to come off, and a new crown will need to be fitted, after the cavity is repaired.

One of the reasons that you have to continue your good dental hygiene is because if you don’t, not only will your regular teeth be affected, but so will your crowns and other dental work. It is so important that your dental hygiene continues to be an important part of your life if you want to keep your crowns in great shape.

Want to Know More?

Have questions about your crowns? Not sure if all of your crowns are doing the job? Or you just want to find a dentist who will look at all the parts of your mouth, and not just your crowns? Give us a call. We would love to talk to you about your crowns, and all your other teeth as well.

For more information about crowns, call Dr. Sciabica in Issaquah, WA at 425-392-3900 or visit

Dr. Frank S. Sciabica proudly serves patients from Issaquah and all surrounding areas.

You Should Not Brush for 30 Minutes After You Eat – Why Is That? | Issaquah Dentist

You know how important it is to brush your teeth regularly to prevent cavities and decay. However, did you know that brushing too soon after you eat could actually do more harm to your teeth than good? It is true, and that is why we recommend that you wait at least 30 minutes after eating before you brush.

Don’t Brush Right Away

To explain why you shouldn’t brush right away, it is important to understand what is going on in your mouth right after you eat. The foods that you consume create acids that will work away at the enamel, and right after you are eating, those levels are at their highest. This means that your teeth are in a weakened state, as they are being attacked by acid.

The good news is that your body will naturally neutralize acid levels in your mouth. The saliva rinses food particles away, and after about a half an hour, the pH value should be back to normal. The bad news is that if you brush during this weakened time, you’ll actually help the acids to attack the teeth, scrubbing the destructive acid right into the enamel.

What Should You Do?

It is good that you are concerned about your teeth and the impact food might have on them. If you want to do something right after you eat, rinse your mouth out with water. This will help to speed up the neutralizing process. Then, don’t forget to brush later, at least two times a day. As long as you wait at least 30 minutes after you eat, your teeth should be strong again and out of the danger zone.

Do you have questions about how to better care for your teeth? If so, please call our office and speak to one of our friendly staff members about an appointment.

For more information about brushing, call Dr. Sciabica in Issaquah, WA at 425-392-3900 or visit

Dr. Frank S. Sciabica proudly serves patients from Issaquah and all surrounding areas.

Why You Need to Protect Your Gums When Pregnant | Issaquah Dentist

If you are pregnant, your calendar will likely fill up quickly with all of the things you need to do before the baby arrives. While this will likely include regular appointments with your doctor, it is important to remember your oral health during this time. Regular dental cleanings and some extra oral hygiene precautions can keep your mouth healthy.

Pregnancy Gingivitis

Pregnancy gingivitis is a result of hormonal changes that lead to issues in the mouth. Your gums may bleed easily and feel tender and swollen. These symptoms can begin at any time throughout a pregnancy and are a sign that your gums need extra care and attention.

Prematurity and Low Birth Weight

Unfortunately, some scientists believe that gum disease during pregnancy may be connected to bigger problems. There have been several scientific studies that found connections between periodontal disease and prematurity. This research found that women with gum disease may be at an increased risk for delivering babies prematurely or at a low-birth weight when compared to mothers with healthy gums.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that babies who weigh less than 5.5 pounds at birth could be at risk for learning disabilities, delayed motor skills, and other issues.

Preventing Adverse Complications

If you are pregnant and worried about these adverse outcomes, there are steps that you can take. Routine brushing and flossing – twice and once per day, respectively – is a necessity, and it is important to focus on the gums during your oral hygiene efforts. A periodontal evaluation may be useful to inspect the health of your gums, and you should monitor your gums frequently to look for any changes.

Maintaining good oral and gum health supports your overall health as well as the health of your baby. Call us today to set up an appointment so that we can help you to have a healthy pregnancy.

For more information about All-on-4 implants, call Dr. Sciabica in Issaquah, WA at 425-392-3900 or visit

Dr. Frank S. Sciabica proudly serves patients from Issaquah and all surrounding areas.

How All-on-4 Implants Work When You Also Have an Arch of Original Teeth | Issaquah Dentist

If you suffer from tooth loss, you may want to consider implants as a permanent solution to restore your smile. All-on-4 implants are a great option, especially if you still have some of your original teeth. Find out if this option might be right for you.

What Are All-on-4 Dental Implants?

The All-on-4 dental implant is a minimally invasive approach to placing implants false teeth using only four implants to support an arch. You’ll be able to have a full set of teeth without the need for multiple surgeries, and the entire process may be completed in just one appointment under local anesthesia.

What if I Still Have an Arch of Natural Teeth?

All-on-4 implants are best suited for people who have lost multiple teeth. However, if you still retained some of your natural teeth, you are not out of luck. If you have an arch of original teeth – for example, you suffered tooth loss on the top of your mouth, but the bottom arch remains intact – you can simply have implants placed on the top arch.

Who Should Consider All-on-4 Dentures?

If you have lost teeth and want a permanent set of replacements, dental implants might be for you. The All-on-4 system is preferred over dentures for many people, as they are fixed into place and won’t shift or slide out.

This procedure is also ideal if you don’t have the bone density needed to support a full set of traditional dental implants. Even better, All-on-4 implants are less expensive than traditional implants, so it will be a more affordable way to restore your smile.

If you’re interested in replacing your missing teeth or wish to explore alternatives to traditional dentures, please schedule a consultation with us. We would love to help you learn more about All-on-4 dental implants.

For more information about All-on-4 implants, call Dr. Frank S. Sciabica in Issaquah, WA at 425-392-3900 or visit

Dr. Sciabica proudly serve patients from Issaquah and all surrounding areas.

Having a Fever Along with a Toothache Is Never Something to Ignore | Issaquah Dentist

If you have a toothache, then you want to consider all of the symptoms that you have. This is because when there is a fever that comes along with the aching tooth, then you need to make sure to have this looked at.

Why a Fever is a Bad Thing with a Toothache

If you don’t have the flu or a viral bug but a toothache that doesn’t go away and continues to persist, then you may have an infection. This infection can travel through the body and into places you don’t want it to reach. It can become dangerous to the person.

This is why it is important to speak with our office when you notice a toothache. Having it taken care of right away is always the best way to go about any sort of oral pain.

If you do not contact us immediately, and the pain persists, plus you develop a fever, then you need to contact us right away. This is a dental emergency and you need to speak with our dentists regarding a pain medication, anti-inflammatory and antibiotic that you should be started on.

Usually, when there is pain and a fever, you will also notice a painful, pus filled area under, to the side or inside of the infected tooth. This is an abscess that is filling with the infection. Our dentists can take care of this issue for you.

Reach Out to Us Now for Help Managing Your Situation

Speak with us today regarding the toothache and fever that you have. This is a serious issue that needs to be addressed and our dentists are equipped to handle it. We will provide you with a way to get the help needed so you can take care of the infection and tooth, while also removing the pain. You don’t have to deal with it, call us now.

For more information about toothache pains, call Dr. Frank S. Sciabica in Issaquah, WA at 425-392-3900 or visit

Dr. Sciabica proudly serve patients from Issaquah and all surrounding areas.

How Does a Rainbow Diet Improve Your Oral Health? | Issaquah Dentist

We don’t know about you, but rainbows have always been our friends. We love the beautiful spectrum of color, in a harmonious palette that the rainbow brings us. Did you know, however, that you can also experience feelings of joy and harmony when you eat the rainbow as well?

Rainbow Eating

Eating the rainbow is actually a very simple concept. Rather than try to understand all of the complicated nutritional formulas that are out there, you can make sure that you have a variety of fruits and vegetables available for you to eat. Each color represents a different nutritional value with regard to vitamins and minerals.

For example, eating orange colored fruits and veggies means you are putting Vitamin C in your body, which is essential for healthy gums and circulation in your mouth. Each color means that a different vitamin, mineral, or value is added. Red colored fruits and veggies produce increased levels of Resveratrol, which means that it has anti-cancer properties, including oral cancers and throat cancers.

Yellow veggies or fruits mean that you can protect your mouth and throat from the effects of food allergies. Yellow citrus also works to protect existing body structures free from cancer and disease. Leafy greens are good for the calcium in your teeth, but they are also excellent for maintaining gum health and gum circulation. Blues and purples contain acids to improve gum health as well.

If you eat the rainbow, you not only improve your dental health, but you also improve your overall health as well. A rainbow diet also helps to prevent some types of cancer including stomach, mouth, esophageal, breast and prostate cancer.

Questions about eating the rainbow or eating in general to maintain good oral health? Why not give us a call? We can talk with you about your oral health and steps you can take to make it better.

For more information about diet improvements, call Dr. Frank S. Sciabica in Issaquah, WA at 425-392-3900 or visit

Dr. Sciabica proudly serve patients from Issaquah and all surrounding areas.

Symptoms of Sensitive Teeth | Issaquah Dentist

A lot of people have sensitive teeth, but they may not have realized what that meant until it was officially diagnosed. We see people all the time who are showing symptoms of having sensitive teeth. Do you have sensitive teeth? If you are not sure, we can help.

The symptoms show up slowly, so you may be in the early stages of a problem. Here are a few symptoms to watch out for if you think you may be slowly getting sensitive teeth.

Temperature Changes Cause Discomfort

The first symptom that most people note when developing sensitive teeth is that temperature changes in their mouth begin to cause them discomfort. If you have started to notice that going from standard body temperature to either hot or cold temperatures starts to make your mouth a bit sore, this could be due to increased tooth sensitivity. Some people only have discomfort with one temperature, usually cold, while others get discomfort with both.

Sensitive Teeth Can Also Lead to Headaches

If you have started getting more headaches, it could also be a symptom of sensitive teeth. When your teeth become more sensitive, no matter what the sensitivity is, it can lead to pain and pressure in your head. When you avoid the items you have developed a sensitivity to, the headaches should subside. If you have noticed this pattern, you need to come in for a checkup.

People all around the world struggle with the discomfort of sensitive teeth on a daily basis. Thankfully, we can do a lot to minimize, if not eliminate, sensitive teeth. Call our office today and let us see what we can do to help you remove that type of discomfort from your life. Just because you find yourself shying away from certain items now, does not mean you need to live the rest of your life like that.

For more information about sensitive teeth, call Dr. Frank S. Sciabica in Issaquah, WA at 425-392-3900 or visit

Dr. Sciabica proudly serve patients from Issaquah and all surrounding areas.

Calcium Needs to Be a Big Part of Your Diet When Restoring Your Oral Health | Issaquah Dentist

If you think about calcium, you probably already know that it is essential for healthy bones. Do you know that it is just as important for your oral health? Of course, you need calcium to keep your teeth strong, but it is also needed for your jaw.

Calcium is also important in muscle health. It is absolutely essential when it comes to oral health. What happens if you have had problems, and you are trying to restore your oral health? Do you still need calcium? The answer is a resounding yes!

Each Part of Your Mouth

There is not a part of your mouth that does not need calcium. It is found even your blood vessels and nerves. When trying to restore oral health, you will want to make sure that you ingest enough each day. Not only will you end up with a healthier jaw and teeth, it will help you to heal.

Calcium and Gum Disease

In many cases, a calcium deficiency can be linked to gum disease. In several studies, people who had enough calcium in their diets had healthier gums than people who were not getting enough calcium. Gum disease can lead to other health issues beside just oral ones.

Sources of Calcium

Dairy is possibly the best-known source of calcium. Milk, cheese, and low-sugar yogurt are all great sources. Leafy green vegetables are another great way to add calcium to your diet. Supplements can help as well.

If you have oral troubles because of a lack of calcium, you need to make an appointment to see us right away. A calcium deficiency can lead to tooth loss and other problems. We would like to help you to turn things around and to get back on the right track.

For more information about calcium, call Dr. Frank S. Sciabica in Issaquah, WA at 425-392-3900 or visit

Dr. Sciabica proudly serve patients from Issaquah and all surrounding areas.