Gum Disease Therapy

What Is Gum Disease?
Gum disease is a condition that occurs when plaque and bacteria build up on your teeth begin to irritate the soft tissue. When this happens, the tissue becomes inflamed. Redness and swelling, along with bleeding when you brush and floss, are the earliest warning signs of gingivitis, the first stage of gum disease.
All too often, this stage goes unnoticed or ignored, leaving it to progress. As gum disease starts to advance, your swollen gum tissue begins to pull away from your teeth. This creates space, enabling bacteria to fall below the gum line. Once there, the bacteria begin attacking your periodontal ligaments and your jawbone. The longer you go without treatment, the worse the condition becomes. Your gums recede, and your jawbone weakens. Eventually, your teeth become loose in their sockets and are at very high risk of falling out.

Treating Gum Disease With Gum Disease Therapy
Additional Care With Periodontal Maintenance
At each appointment, we assess buildup, check your gums, and take x-rays. We then clean your teeth of any buildup that may have accumulated. Depending on your needs, the frequency of your appointments depends, typically ranging from every 2 to 6 months. If your mouth is affected by gum disease, treatment is needed right away. For more information on gum disease therapy and to schedule your consultation, call Lake Sammamish Family Dentistry today at (425) 655-1436